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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4828

Liane D. Platt and Klaus Hausmann; On the Ultrastructure of Bresslauides australis Blatterer & Foissner, 1988 (Ciliophora, Colpodea). Arch.Protistenk 143:297-310, 1993


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The ciliate Bresslauides australis Blatterer & Foissner, 1988 is a member of the family Hausmanniellidae within the order Colpodida. The Hausmanniellidae are characterized by an anterior narrow extension of the right oral polykinetid. This is the first ultrastructural investigation of a hausmanniellid ciliate. As a further contribution to the characterization of the Colpodea, the three-dimensional structure of the desmoses linking the kinetosomes of the somatic dikinetids is revealed which has not yet been described in such detail. In the ultrastructure of the oral polykinetids, B. australis has a strong resemblance to several members of the Colpodidae. In order to determine the exact systematic relationship between the Colpodidae and the Hausmanniellidae, further ultrastructural studies of the oral apparatus and especially of stomatogenesis in other species belonging to these families are needed. The macronucleus of B. australis has a highly ramified nucleolus. Bresslauides australis has one to two micronuclei and a narrow ribosome-free zone of cytoplasm around the nuclei. The results are discussed in comparison with other Colpodea and especially with members of the Colpodidae.