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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4819

Hubert Blatterer and Wilhelm Foissner; Morphology and Infraciliature of Some Cyrtophorid Ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from Freshwater and Soil. Arch.Protistenk 142:101-118, 1992


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Four little known cyrtophorid ciliates occurring in Austrian rivers and in soils from Australia and Madeira are described. Trithigmostoma srameki (Sramek-Husek, 1952) differs from its probably nearest relative, T. bavariensis (Kahl, 1931), by the limnetic habitat, the rounded posterior end of the right kinety field and the lower number of cytopharyngeal rods. The freshwater population of Odontochlamys alpestris Foissner, 1981 is very similar to the type population from an alpine soil. The apically positioned dorsal brush of Chilodonella convexa Kahl, 1931 consists of only four widely spaced cilia; it is thus transferred to the genus Odontochlamys. Gastronauta derouxi nov. spec, lives in mosses and soils and has about 7 groups of paired cilia along the anterior dorsal margin and a nonciliated postoral field.