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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4789

M.Cs. Bereczky; Interspecific Relationship of Some Suctoria Species in the Danube. Arch.Protistenk 138:251-255, 1990


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On microscopic slides exposed in the Danube River at God (Hungary) Suctoria species (Tokophrya lemnarum, Heliophrya rotunda, Podophrya fixa, Dendrosoma radians, Acineta flava, A. tuberosa) were dominant. They live under beta-alpha mesosaprobic conditions except P. fixa, which according to Liebmann (1962) is a polysaprobic indicator organism. The Sorensen index, modified by Whittaker & Fairbanks (1958) revealed that the observed association between pairs of species was not strong and most of them showed no association at all.