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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4770

Igor B. Raikov; Ultrastructure of the Nuclear Apparatus of the Marine Psammobiotic Ciliate Trachelocerca multinucleata Dragesco (Karyorelictida). Arch.Protistenk 137:199-209, 1989


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The nuclear apparatus of Trachelocerca multinucleata comprises more than 20 macronuclei and about 10 micronuclei arranged in a longitudinal row. The macronuclei vary in fine structure. Young macronuclei contain a large particulate chromocenter and a prominent nucleolus. Mature macronuclei have a giant spongy chromocenter surrounded by several small nucleoli which are partly segregated into fibrillar and granular ones, and a finely fibrillar sphere. Both the nucleoli and the sphere closely contact the material of the chromocenter, which also presents foci of local decondensation. The micronuclei possess a conventional envelope with occasional outgrowths; they lack both nucleoli and spheres. The micronuclear chromatin is fully condensed except of some small regions.