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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4749

Weibo Song and Norbert Wilbert; [Parabakuella typica nov. gen., nov. spec. (Ciliata, Hypotrichida) aus dem Edaphon eines Standortes in Qingdao, China] (Parabakuella typica nov. gen., nov. spec. (Ciliata, Hypotrichida) from a Soil in Qingdao, China). Arch.Protistenk 135:319-325, 1988


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The morphology and the morphogenesis of a ciliate species inhabiting a soil in Qingdao (Eastchina, Shandong Province) are described: Parabakuella typica nov. gen., nov. spec. The most important characteristics of the new genus Parabakuella are the existence of a frontoterminal row of cirri, many rows of ventralcirri and caudal cirri; different to Bakuella (Alekperov 1982; Hemberger 1982) it has no transversalcirri. The morphogenesis of Parabakuella typica reveals the following peculiarities: the morphogenesis begins with the formation of the frontoventrotransversal primordia just left the middle region of ventral rows; the frontoventral cirri of both proter and the opisthe originate from the anteriorst part of oral primordium; the frontoterminal row comes from the posterior end of primordium; caudal cirri develop from the posterior ends of the 4 dorsal kineties. The systematic position of the genus is discussed according to their morphogenesis and infraciliature. A comparison with other related genera in the family Urostylidae shows the character of this species and justifies the establishment of a new genes (Kahl 1932; Stiller 1974; Corliss 1979; Tuffrau 1979, 1987; Foissner 1982, 1984; Foissner & Adam 1983; Wiackowski 1985; Berger et al. 1985; Dragesco 1986; Berger and Foissner 1987).