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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4735

M.S. Ruiz and R. Anadon; Fine Structure of the Contractile Vacuole Complex of Opercularia coarctata Claparede & Lachmann (Peritrich Ciliate). Arch.Protistenk 133:269-275, 1987


In File


This study deals with the fine structure of the contractile vacuole complex of the Peritrich Ciliate Opercularia coarctata. The vacuole empties into the infundibulum through an efferent duct of variable morphology, in which can open one or two excretory pores with a somewhat complex organization. These pores have associated annular and radial microtubules, the latter extending to the infundibular side of the vacuole. The spongiome was organized in this species in two well differentiated regions: the fascicular tubules have a decorated surface whereas those of reticulated regions were smooth. Relations of the spongiome to the vacuole and to the endoplasmic reticulum were described. Results were compared with those of literature.