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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4728

Carl T. Friz; Taxonomic Analyses of the Free-Living Amoeba Using Protein Polymorphism. Arch.Protistenk 133:165-171, 1987


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The taxonomic relationships of twelve strains of the free-living amoeba were investigated using complete arrays of protein electromorphs. Since the six strains classified as Amoeba proteus had matching coefficients greater than 0.60, all strains with coefficients less than this value were considered to represent different species. Therefore, it is suggested that Amoeba sp. (Bor strain) and Amoeba proteus are not members of the same species, Amoeba indica is not more closely related to A. proteus than is Chaos carolinense, the two strains identified as belonging to Polychaos dubium are not species related and Amoeba leningradensis is not a member of genus Amoeba.