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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4722

L.V. Kalinina, S.Yu. Afon'kin, D.B. Gromov, I.A. Khrebtukova, and Frederick C. Page; Amoeba borokensis n. sp., a Rapidly Dividing Organism Especially Suitable for Experimental Purposes. Arch.Protistenk 132:343-361, 1986


In File


Amoeba borokensis n. sp. differs from A. proteus in nuclear morphology, nuclear DNA content, several physiological characters, fine structure of the cell surface, and protein composition as determined by electrophoresis. Its nucleus and cytoplasm are incompatible, by nuclear transplantation, with those of A. proteus. Because the nuclear DNA content of A. borokensis is exactly half that of A. proteus and its protein composition is similar to though clearly distinguishable from that of A. proteus, it is certain that the two species are closely related and probable that one was derived from the other. The present isolate of A. borokensis originated in the northern USSR. Its short generation time and ease of culture make A. borokensis an especially suitable organism for experimental purposes.