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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4716

Ana Martin-Gonzalez, S. Serrano, A. Guinea, and Dimas Fernandez-Galiano; Further Studies on Urocentrum turbo O.F.M. (Ciliata): Morphology and Morphogenesis. Arch.Protistenk 132:11-21, 1986


In File


Stomatogenesis in Urocentrum turbo is buccokinetal, the oral structures in the opisthe (paroral kinety, stomatogenic field and three peniculi) are formed from the parental stomatogenic field. Also, the parental paroral kinety develops into the new stomatogenic field of the proter. During the bipartition process of this ciliate, the anterior infraciliar band of the parental cell splits into its two parts, an anterior one or fascia which originates the cingula and the posterior band of the proter, and a more posterior one or cingula which produces the anterior band of the opisthe. Biometrical and morphological characterisation were also made and our data are compared with the results obtained previously by other authors.