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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4714

A.P. Mylnikov; Ultrastructure of a Colourless Amoeboid Flagellate, Cercomonas sp. Arch.Protistenk 131:239-247, 1986


In File


The ultrastructure of a colourless amoeboid flagellate, Cercomonas sp. isolated from fresh water, is considered. This minute organism possesses two heterodynamic flagella. When moving it actively crawls along the substratum, persistently forming pseudopodia of various shape and size. The vesicular nucleus with a central nucleolus is located anteriorly, close the two kinetosomes. The system of kinetosome-derived microtubules forms a conical sheath around the nucleus. The Golgi apparatus, the endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria with tubular cristae have usual structure. A paranuclear body surrounded by a unit membrane is observed in the cells. The cytoplasm is filled with food vacuoles and drops of storage substances. Beneath the body surface, there are stinging organelles affecting bacteria. Peculiarities of the ultrastructure relate Cercomonas with the chrysophyte algae and myxomycetes.