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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4708

Norbert Wilbert and David Kahan; [Semiplatyophrya foissneri nov. gen., nov. spec. und Perisincirra pori nov. spec., Ciliaten aus einem Salzboden des Sinai] (Semiplatyophrya foissneri nov. gen., nov. spec. and Perisincirra pori nov. spec., Ciliates from a Salt Soil on the Sinai Coast). Arch.Protistenk 131:129-138, 1986


In File


Semiplatyophrya foissneri nov. gen. nov. spec. and Perisincirra pori nov. spec. are new species of ciliates from a salt soil (solonetz) from the Sinai-coast. Their morphology, infraciliature and the silverline system were described according to protargol and silver nitrate preparations.