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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4701

Norbert Wilbert; [Beitrag zur Morphologie und Okologie einiger planktischer Ciliaten aus dem Poppelsdorfer Weiher in Bonn (BRD)] (Contributions to the Morphology and Ecology of Planktonic Ciliates in the Poppelsdorfer Weiher in Bonn (FRG)). Arch.Protistenk 131:59-69, 1986


In File


The quality and quantity of planktonic ciliates in the eutrophic Poppelsdorfer Weiher and important abiotic and biotic were investigated during a 2 year period. A total of 43 species were found in the plankton. The morphology of the little known species Cyclotrichium limneticum Kahl, Bursellopsis gargamellae Faure-Fremiet, Lagynophrya acuminata Kahl, Urotricha pelagica Kahl and Oxytricha planctontica Horvath were examinated in detail. The milieu factors and infraciliature of these species are described.