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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4682

Christian Steinberg and Rolf Klee; [Zur Chemie von Trachelomonas-Loricae] (On the Chemistry of Trachelomonas-Loricae). Arch.Protistenk 128:283-294, 1984


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Energy dispersive X-ray analyses of Trachelomonas loricae demonstrated T. volvocina and T. hispida var. punctata to be iron accumulating forms. T. hispida deposited both metals into the envelope. T. planctonica var. oblonga possesses loricae of both types, simultaneously. In various loricae, silica was more abundant than any metal. It is therefore speculated that the formation of an impregnated inorganic lorica may start as a silicification process, at least with several species. This hypothesis which has to be proven in cytological studies is supported by the chemistry of the Trachelomonas rasumowskoensis which only contains silica as inorganic matrix the central lorica part being most silicified and the collar least.