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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4526

Yantao Qiu and Weibo Song; [Acute Toxicity of Three Commonly-used Medicines on Diophrys oligothrix (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida)]. Chinese Journal of Applied & Environmental Biology 8(6):623-626, 2002


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Acute toxic experiments were carried out to test the toxicity of KMnO4, Formalin and Lugol's medium or a commonly-occurred marine ciliate Diophrys oligothrix. Median lethal concentrations (LC50 values) were obtained by means of probit method. The results demonstrated that the LC50 (2 hr) of Formalin and Lugol's medium on D. oligothrix were 59.35x10E-6 and 124.54x10E-6, LC50 (12 hr) of the two medicines 52.54x10E-6 and 72.98x10E-6, respectively. The tolerance of D. oligothrix to Formalin was less than to Lugol's medium apparently, and KMnO4 was a perfect medicine to kill ciliates in a short time.