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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4512

Michael Entzeroth and Lothar Jaenicke; [Struktur-Wirkungsbeziehungen von Analogen und Homologen von Blepharismon, dem niedermolekularem Konjugationshormon von Blepharisma japonicum] (Structure-Activity-Relation of Analogues and Homologues of Blepharismone, the Low-Molecular Conjugation Hormone of Blepharisma japonicum). Z.Naturforsch. 37c:1136-1140, 1982


In File


Some functional derivatives of blepharismone, the low-molecular conjugation hormone of Blepharisma japonicum, were synthesised and tested for their biological activity. The lipophilicity constant of the substituent in 5-position of the aromatic system directly correlates with the conjugation-inducing effect of this substance. Any change in the N-formyl-position leads to compounds less active than blepharismone, non-active or even inhibitory. Blepharismone-related kynurenine derivatives are inhibitors of the gamone activity depending on structural relationship.