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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4511

Karl G. Grell and Anne Meister; [Uber die taxonomische Stellung der Hypocomidae (Ciliate)] (On the taxonomic Position of Hypocomidae (Ciliata)). Z.Naturforsch. 37c:1050-1052, 1982


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Ultrastructural features of the ciliate Hypocoma acinetarum, an ectoparasite of the suctorian Ephelota, led to the conclusion that the Hypocomidae do not belong to the Cyrtophorida, as some authors suggested, but should be reunified with the Ancistrocomidae in the taxon Rhynchodida (Chatton et Lwoff).