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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4421

Guy Metenier; [A propos de la regulation de la teneur en ADN macronucleaire pendant le cycle cellulaire du Cilie Tetrahymena paravorax (forme microstome)]. C.R.Acad.Sc.Paris 289:497-500, 1979


In File


Results of autoradiographic studies of [3H-]thymidine incorporation support a model of macronuclear DNA content regulation involving an action upon the extremes of DNA content: elimination of S phase in cells with large DNA content, additional S phase in cells with small DNA content. The frequency of each of these phenomena is about 20%: the inequality of frequencies obtained with the two types of sister cells (proters and opisthes) is related to the asymetry of cytodieresis observed in this ciliate.