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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4388

Nicola Ricci, Fabrizio Erra, Antonio Russo, and Rosalba Banchetti; The Interface between Air and Water: A Perturbation Source Eliciting Adaptive Behaviour in Ciliates. J.Protozool. 39(4):521-525, 1992


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Interference with the water-air interface, both direct (by contact with a flat, rigid surface) and indirect (by inducing a meniscus) caused the ciliated protozoa we investigated to actively collect in the water column or on the substrate directly under the area of altered surface tension. A crowding effect is observed in this "rest area" reaching plateau values within one hour after onset of the experiment. The simple experimental procedures described here induced analogous behaviour in both Paramecium caudatum (a swimmer) and Oxytricha bifaria (a crawler). The ciliates seem in this reaction to be seeking a refuge from vibrations transmitted by the free interface. Our discovery is discussed in its implications for the adaptive biology and ecology of these micro-organisms.