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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4323

John C. Clamp; Redescription of Lagenophrys eupagurus Kellicott (Ciliophora, Peritricha, Lagenophryidae) and a Comparison of It with Three Similar Species. J.Protozool. 36(6):596-607, 1989


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Lagenophrys eupagurus, a poorly known loricate peritrich ectocommensal on the hermit crab Pagurus longicarpus, has been rediscovered and is redescribed. Lagenophrys lunatus and L. articularis were found to be conspecific with L. eupagurus based on close similarities, especially with regard to structure of the lorica aperture and proportions of the lorica. Lagenophrys callinectes, although resembling L. eupagurus, was determined to be a separate species because of distinct, consistent differences in structure of the lorica aperture and proportion of the lorica, Lagenophrys eupagurus and L. callinectes share some features of the lorica aperture with 3 other species of Lagenophrys, prompting the speculation that the 5 species may constitute a cluster of related species with in the genus. Lagenophrys eupagurus utilize a relatively wide variety of hosts compared to other species of Lagenophrys and appears to subsist mainly on phytoplankton. In some cases, the feeding behavior of the host may assist L. eupagurus in obtaining food. Lagenophrys callinectes appears to be restricted to brachyuran crabs of the genus Callinectes. It appears to be a bacterivore and is probably assisted in obtaining food by the preference of its hosts for estuarine areas that are rich in organic material.