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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4241

John C. Clamp; Redescription of Paralagenophrys singularis (Kellicott) n. comb. (Ciliophora: Peritricha: Lagenophryidae). J.Protozool. 34(3):249-253, 1987


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Lagenophrys singularis is removed from Lagenophrys and designated the type species of Paralagenophrys n. g. Compared to members of Lagenophrys, the oral area of P. singularis is radically distored. Paralagenophrys apparently also lacks second-type division, a special phase of asexual reproduction characteristic of Lagenophrys and associated with its adaptation to symbiotic life on crustaceans. Members of Lagenophrys are obligate ectocommensals of crustaceans. In contrast, P. singularis (Kellicott, 1887) n. comb. occurs most often on the leaves of aquatic vascular plants.