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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4224

John P. Cann; The Feeding Behavior and Structure of Nuclearia delicatula (Filosea: Aconchulinida). J.Protozool. 33(3):392-396, 1986


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The feeding behavior and morphology of Nuclearia delicatula, the type species within the genus, was studied. Feeding was by penetration of damaged or old cells of Spirogyra or by actively ingesting cyanobacterial filaments (of Phormidium), a form of behavior placing it in the family Nucleariidae. This confirms Cienkowski's (1865) observations that N. delicatula penetrates directly into damaged algal cells. This contrasts with the vampyrellids which penetrate healthy cells of Spirogyra. Characteristic behavior of the contractile vacuole complex complied with previous observations on Nuclearia. Mitochondria contain tubular, non-anastomosing cristae.