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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4132

Pierre de Puytorac, Jean Grain, P. Legendre, and J. Devaux; [Essai d'Application de l'Analyse Phenetique a la Classification du Phylum des Ciliophora]. J.Protozool. 31(4):496-507, 1984


In File


Relationships among 59 genera and species are determined by analyzing 122 ultrastructural, morphological, stomatogenic, nuclear, and asexual reproductive features on the basis of a numerical phenetic analysis. At first, the study concerns 12 genera and species of the colpodid group whose numerous features have now been investigated. Next, the same procedure is used for the analysis of 47 kinetophragminophoran, oligohymenophoran, polyhymenophoran genera. On the basis of these results, a new macrosystem of the phylum Ciliophora arises. Three subphyla are distinguished: 1) Karyorelictophora with one class, Karyorelictea; 2) Kinetophragmophora with four classes, a) Colpodea, b) Hypostomea including Peniculida, Nassulida, Parapeniculida, and Peritrichida, c) Spirotrichea including Hypotrichida Clevelandellida, Hetrotrichida, and Oligotrichida, and d) Hymenostomea including Hymenostomatida and Apostomatida; 3) Hymenophora with two classes, a) Phyllopharyngea and b) Gymnostomea including two subclasses, Gymnosomia and Astomia.