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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4129

Matsusaka Tadao and Hongo Fumikazu; Cytochemical and Electrophoretic Studies on the Cyst Wall of a Ciliate, Histriculus Muscorum Kahl. J.Protozool. 31(3):471-475, 1984


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The localization of proteins and polysaccharides in the cyst wall of a ciliate, Histriculus muscorum, was examined by light and electron microscope cytochemistry and by using an enzyme digestion test on thin sections. The endocyst and ectocyst were digested by treatment with pepsin or protease VI. The endocyst was intensely PAS-positive and alcian blue-positive. The ectocyst was also PAS- and alcian blue-positive, but the reaction was weaker than that of the endocyst. At the electron microscope level, an intensely positive reaction to methenamine silver was observed in the endocyst and a weak reaction in the ectocyst of the mature cyst. In the ectocyst of the encysting organisms, however, the reaction to methenamine silver was more intense than that of the mature cyst. These results demonstrate the possible presence of glycoproteins in the ectocyst and endocyst. The mesocyst was negative to all cytochemical and enzyme digestion test examined. The cyst wall, isolated by sonication, was analyzed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Two bands, 190 and 140 kilodaltons, were specific for the cyst wall. The 190 kilodalton band was the only PAS-positive band and its localization in the cyst was discussed.