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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4087

Lawrence Fritz and Richard E. Triemer; An Ultrastructural Study of Mitosis in a Marine Dinoflagellate: Prorocentrum minimum. J.Protozool. 30(2):437-444, 1983


In File


An ultrastructural study on mitosis in the marine dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum is described. Early in mitosis the nuclear membrane invaginates in the area of the Goldi apparatus. Additional membrane-lined channels form within the nucleus as the Golgi apparatus separates and moves toward opposite spindle poles. Microtubules appear within the channels and make contact with distinct kinetochore-like structures on the cytoplasmic side of the channels adjacent to the site of chromosome attachment. By mid-mitosis two or three parallel channels dissect the nucleus perpendicular to the suture plane of the cell. Chromosome separation thus occurs perpendicular to the suture plane. An additional group of microtubules extends posteriorly from the flagellar apparatus towards the nucleus but has no apparent role in mitosis. Mitosis in P. minimum is compared to that of P. micans and to other dinoflagellates.