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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 4014

Pierre Didier, Ghislaine Fryd-Versavel, Francine Iftode, and Norbert Wilbert; [Caracteristiques Ultrastructurales du Cortex et des Membranelles du Cilie Espejoia mucicola (Oligohymenophora, Hymenostomata, Tetrahymenina)]. J.Protozool. 24(1):109-121, 1977


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It was shown in a detailed study of the cortex and buccal organelles of Espejoia that, at the ultrastructural level, the general plan of organization of this ciliate conforms to that of Tetrahymenina. Specific variations seen in the cortex and membranelles bring out the very pronounced affinities of Espejoia to the genus Glaucoma and other related ciliates. In view of the foregoing and on the basis of recent findings on morphogensis, we confirm the taxonomic position of Espejoia mucicola among Tetrahymenina in the family Glaucomidae.