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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3917

Kenneth Gold; Scanning Electron Microscopy of Tintinnopsis parva: Studies on Particle Accumulation and the Striae. J.Protozool. 26(3):415-419, 1979


In File


Lorica building was studied experimentally for Tintinnopsis parva Merkle, an agglutinated tintinnid. This species incorporated either siliceous or Ca-rich particle. Evidence of agglutination was seen within 30 min after the addition of particles to cultures of the protozoa. Fully agglutinated loricae were produced by the proter; partially incrusted loricae attributed to an opisthe were also recovered. The cytoplasmic evaginations of unknown function called striae were seen in the scanning electron microscope in better relief than ever bofore. They may provide the mechanism whereby the enclosed capsules are brought into contact with prey organisms.