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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3900

William B. Lushbaugh and Fred E. Pittman; Microscopic Observations on the Filopodia of Entamoeba histolytica. J.Protozool. 26(2):186-195, 1979


In File


Living Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites were examined by phase-contrast microscopy. Intact critical point dried trophozoites were examined by transmission electron microscopy at an accelerating voltage of 1000 kV (HVEM) and by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Half and quarter um thick sections of epoxy-embedded trophozoites were examined by HVEM. Many of the trophozoites of 2 strains examined had surface filopodia, 1 to over 100 µm in length. The cytoplasm of filopodia was continuous with the cytoplasm and bounded by surface plasmalemma bearing a glycocalyx. Structures called "surface-active lysosomes with trigger", "dendritic plasmalemmal extensions", and "extra-amebic vesicles" by previous investigators probably represent portions of filopodia demonstrated in the present study. Filopodia appear to be of frequent normal occurrence in E. histolytica and may function in: (a) endocytosis or pinocytosis; (b) exocytosis; (c) attachment to substratum; (d) penetration of tissue; (e) release of cytotoxic substances; or (f) contact cytolysis of host cells.