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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3865

F. Perez-Paniagua, Pierre de Puytorac, and Albert Savoie; [Caracteristiques de la Stomatogenese et des Ultrastructures Corticale et Buccale du Cilie Colpodidea Bursaria truncatella O.F. Muller, 1773]. J.Protozool. 27(3):300-308, 1980


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In Bursaria truncatella O.F. Muller, each of the 45-80 adoral organelles is composed of 3 rows of kinetosomes, and the right buccal area is covered by many double rows of kinetosomes. Stomatogenesis begins by disorganization and disappearance of the posterior buccal organelles. Next, there is disorganization of the paroral rows of kinetosomes and multiplication of kinetosomes in the right oral area; at the same time, some somatic kineties are disruped along an oblique line. Multiplication of kinetosomes at the extremities of the kineties, on both sides of the disruption, leads to the formation of an anarchic field which is the right oral primordium of the opisthe and the formation of doublets each of which constitutes an adoral organelle. After the separation of the tomites, the kinetosomes in the right buccal area position themselves, and the adoral organelles are completed by the addition of a 3rd row of kinetosomes. Somatic kineties are formed by successive pairs of ciliated kinetosomes united by 2 desmoses. The long posterior transverse ribbons and the postciliary ribbons extend posteriad, overlapping in the pellicular ridges. Oral rows of kinetosomes on the right can be compared with stichodyads. The adoral kinetosomes have convergent or divergent postciliary ribbons. The posterior row of kinetosomes in each organelle is not ciliated. By the type of stomatogenesis, the cortical ultrastructure, the ultrastructure adoral of its organelles, Bursaria belongs to the Colpodidea.