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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3827

Sally Lyman Allen and Thomas A. Nerad; Effect of Acetate on Esterase C Activity During the Growth Cycle of Paramecium. J.Protozool. 25(2):273-279, 1978


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Enhanced esterase C activity could be demonstrated by starch gel electrophoresis in various stocks of Paramecium spp. (P. primaurelia stocks 90 and 540, P. biaurelia stock 93, P. tetraurelia stock 29, P. pentaurelia stock 87, P. octaurelia stocks 31 and 300, and P. multimicronucleatum species 3, stock 8 MO) grown in Adaptation Medium. This esterase, however, was barely detectable when they were cultivated in Axenic Medium. Addition of trypticase to Adaptation Medium resulted in reduction of esterase C in the ciliates. This effect is ascribable to Na acetate present in trypticase. Since esterase C increased with the decrease in acetate concentration (as estimated by gas-liquid chromatography) during growth of Paramecium, acetate appears to be utilized by the cells. Sensitivity of esterase C to acetate occurs in all 6 species of Paramecium examined. Different stocks within a species may have different levels of sensitivity; in one case this is genetically determined. The results emphasize the importance of controlling and manipulating growth conditions for the assessment of inter- and intraspecies variations in the isozymes of Paramecium.