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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3822

Faye D. Schwelitz, Pauline L. Cisneros, Julia A. Jagielo, Jeffrey L. Comer, and Kevin A. Butterfied; The Relationship of Fixed Carbon and Nitrogen Sources to the Greening Process in Euglena gracilis strain Z. J.Protozool. 25(2):257-261, 1978


In File


The pattern of chloroplast development was followed in Euglena gracilis strain Z greening in media with a variety of fixed carbon and nitrogen sources. The greening pattern of cells grown in inorganic medium with added ethanol or glucose involves an inhibition of chloroplast development when compared to that of cells grown in inorganic medium alone. Several nitrogen sources were tested to ascertain their effectiveness in relieving the inhibition of chloroplast development by glucose. Of those, only 0.05% (w/v) (NH4)2SO4 accelerated the recovery from the inhibition after most of the glucose had been removed from the medium by the cells. The other nitrogen sources tested were not effective. An inhibition of chloroplast development, similar to that observed in cells greening in the presence of glucose, was seen in cells greening in an ethanol-containing medium. These cells, however, had a differ response upon the addition of 0.05% (NH4)2SO4. They appeared to recover from the inhibition of chloroplast development, even before the ethanol was removed from the medium by the cells. A slight enhancement of chloroplast development was noted in cells greening in an inorganic medium with glycine or serine. Other amino acids tested had little or no effect.