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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3780

Francine Iftode and Jean Grain; [L'Appareil Fibrillaire Buccal Isole de Turaniella vitrea et son Evolution au Cours de la Stomatogenese]. J.Protozool. 22(1):88-96, 1975


In File


A light microscopic study of the isolated buccal apparatus of Turaniella vitrea, a hymenostome peniculine ciliate, resulted in an accurate description of the fibers constituting this apparatus. Changes in shape and cohesion of the fibers during stomatogenesis were also followed. The loss of the fibers in the proter early in division was confirmed. Their reconstitution in the tomites following division was found to be very slow. It was demonstrated with the aid of cytochemical methods and proteolytic enzyme digestion that the fibers consist of mostly basic proteins.