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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3775

Daniel Dive; [Influence de la Concentration Bacterienne sur la Croissance de Colpidium campylum]. J.Protozool. 22(4):545-550, 1975


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In a study of the stationary and the early exponential growth phases of the monoxenic cultures of Colpidium campylum, the influence of the bacterial concentration upon the number of ciliates, their mean volume, and the biomass of the total ciliate population was examined. It is possible to identify several phenomena linked to the abundance of the substrate, particularly a critical concentration affecting the maintenance of the ciliate population, and a decrease of the assimilation rate following overfeeding. On the basis of the results obtained, an estimate of the minimum volume necessary for division as well as the interaction between the energy required for the synthesis of living matter and that derived from nutrition are discussed, to explain the development of the cultures.