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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3772

Kenneth Gold and Eleanor A. Morales; Seasonal Changes in Lorica Sizes and the Species of Tintinnida in the New York Bight. J.Protozool. 22(4):520-528, 1975


In File


Tintinnida of the New York Bight (a bend in the coastline) were identified during the 1-year period August 1973-August 1974. Recurring genera included Stenosemella and Tintinnopsis; seasonal genera were mainly the hyaline Favella, Metacylis, and Helicostomella; exotic or unusual genera included Parafavella and Ptychocylis. Large size differences in loricae were found seasonally, related apparently, to water temperature.