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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3735

Kwang W. Jeon and M.S. Jeon; Scanning Electron Microscope Observations of Amoeba proteus During Phagocytosis. J.Protozool. 23(1):83-86, 1976


In File


Phagocytosing Amoeba proteus at different stages of forming foodcups have been observed by scanning electron microscopy. A nonphagocytosing ameba is characterized by dorsal and lateral ridges running longitudinally over the posterior half of the cell and its attachment to the substrate over small areas. When stimulated by prey organisms, the ameba loses polarity and ridges, and adheres to the substrate more firmly over a wider area of contact. Then it forms broad pseudopods to surround its prey and this results in the formation of foodcups. The surface of all amebae is covered with small projections, and membranous blebs are often seen on the surface of phagocytosing organisms.