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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3723

Bland J. Finlay; Effects of Seasonal Anoxia on the Community of Benthic Ciliated Protozoa in a Productive Lake. Arch.Protistenk 125:215-222, 1982


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Seasonal deoxygenation of the benthos in a productive lake is responsible for radical changes in the resident community of ciliated protozoa. Significant decreases in the mean density (8,747 to 2,152 cm-2) and biomass (132 to 6 µg carbon cm-2) of the benthic community accompany the disappearance of oxygen from the sediment. The large drop in biomass is accounted for by the migration into the water column of the larger (>150 µm) aerobic ciliates and the failure of the developing community of small sapropelic ciliates to reach high densities. Ciliate carbon represented on average 1.81% of total carbon in oxidised sediment and 0.08% in anoxic sediment.