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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3717

Friederike Wawrik; [Eisschlussvegetation in drei kleinen Teichen des nordlichen Waldviertels 1979] (Iceclosing Vegetation in Three Small Ponds in the Northern Waldviertel 1979). Arch.Protistenk 124:283-287, 1981


In File


The formation of a closed ice cover was very retarded in autumn 1979 until December 27. In the open water was to be found a poor phytoplankton without any stratification. Only in three ponds a rich development had taken place. In the Eckteich the life-cycle of Mallomonas akrokomos Ruttner, heavily infested by Chytrids, could be observed; also M. parisae Bourrelly, for the first time with many cysts. Untwisted cells of Phacus similis Christen are discussed.