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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3694

Hans Find Larsen and Jytte Reichstein Nilsson; Observations on the Ecology and Morphology of Blepharisma elongatum (Stokes, 1884), Kahl, 1926. Arch.Protistenk 136:51-63, 1988


In File


The colourless Blepharisma species, B. elongatum, is extremely rare. Only a few specimens were found during weekly samplings over a period of seven years. Ecological data were collected during the first year of the investigation. The ciliate was established in cloned, polybacterial cultures in Pringsheim's salt solution. Light and electron microscopical observations revealed, as the most prominent feature, the almost total absence of cortical granules. The general morphology of the ciliate was, however, that typical of Blepharisma. Hence, although B. elongatum has been considered a species not valid by some investigators, our findings are in good agreement with the observations of other previous investigators. Our conclusion is that B. elongatum is a true valid species.