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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3657

Fukushima Shinichi, Ogawa Hiroshi, Nishikawa Tomoyo, and Sasagawa Sukenari; Effects of Glycogen on Food Vacuole Formation in Paramecium caudatum. J.Protozool. 35(3):382-384, 1988


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Paramecium caudatum syngen 3 could not reproduce in the defined medium (DM) which had been developed for P. octaurelia stock 299, but we succeeded in culturing it in DM supplemented with glycogen. The number of food vacuoles which formed in 5 and 10 min at 25 degrees C in the DM alone was greater in comparison with the DM supplemented with glycogen. These results showed that the high molecular weight substances which needed to be added to a defined medium for the cultivation of Paramecium did not always support cell reproduction by stimulating food vacuole formation.