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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3619

Colin G. Ogden; Fine Structure of the Shell Wall in the Soil Testate Amoeba Cyclopyxis kahli (Rhizopoda). J.Protozool. 35(4):537-540, 1988


In File


The common soil testate amoeba, Cyclopyxis kahli, is capable of building a complete organic shell when grown in culture in the absence of agglutinate material. Such shells are morphologically similar to agglutinate shells except in the structure and diameter of the aperture. Chemical analysis of organic shells suggests that the main inorganic elements present are calcium and iron. Comparisons are made with similar analyses of organic shells from other agglutinate species. This is first report of a significant change in shell architecture due to agglutinate material.