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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3618

Michael A. Gates; Dorsal Kinetosomal Distributions in the Ciliate Genus Euplotes. J.Protozool. 35(4):506-510, 1988


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The percentage allocations of ciliary units to each ciliary row across the dorsal surface were assessed for seven marine and five freshwater populations, representing the most commonly collected morphotypes of the genus Euplotes. In marine forms, there is a spectrum of dorsal kinetosomal distributions, within which is included the characteristic distribution for the vannus complex of sibling species. In contrast, there are only two basic patterns on the dorsal surface of the most ubiquitous freshwater "species". The congruence between the classification of morphotypes based on dorsal ciliary patterns and that based on ventral cirral patterns is remarkable, despite the morphogenetic independence of kinetosomal structures on these two surfaces.