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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3591

Hendrik Segers and Robert Lee Wallace; Phylogeny and classification of the Conochilidae (Rotifera, Monogonta, Flosculariacea). Zoologica Scripta 30(1):37-48, 2001


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To resolve several taxonomic problems within the family Conochilidae (Rotifera, Monogononta, Flosculariacea), we initiated a comparative study of the morphology in this and related taxa using samples collected from widely separated geographical regions. As part of this study, we paid special attention to trophal morphology using scanning electron microscopy. We also constructed and analysed a data matrix comprising 19 morphological characters of 11 taxa using cladistic methods to uncover all most-parsimonious trees. The results indicate that Conochilidae share a body form with Flosculariidae, but, they possess a trophal structure which clearly differentiates them from all other Flosculariacea; thus, the diagnosis of the family Conochilidae is amended to incorporate morphological characters of the trophi. The analysis of our data matrix yielded a single, most-parsimonious tree. From the topology of that tree and our scanning electron microscopy observations, we propose the following: (1) the status of Conochilidae as a separate suborder of Flosculariacea is rejected; (2) taxonomic separation of Conochilus and Conochiloides as subgenera of Conochilus is confirmed; and (3) Lacinularia causeyae Vidrine, Mclaughlin & Willis, 1985 is reallocated to a new genus within the family Conochilide, Conochilopsis gen. nov., as Conochilopsis causeyae (Vidrine et al.) comb. nov.