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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3503

Vera Opravilova; New records of the Testate Amoebae from Norway. Fauna norv.Ser.A 19:35-40, 1998


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A total of 8 samples consisting of moss, liverwort and sediments were analysed from three localities in Norway. The first locality - A (4 samples) is situated in northern Norway approximately 100 km south or Narvik, the second - B (3 samples) and third - C (1 samples) localities are situated in southern Norway. Samples were taken from brooks and surrounding area, and in one case from the sediment of the lake Finsevatnet. In total, we identified 59 taxa, of these 39 taxa were found in locality A, 43 taxa were found in locality B and 34 taxa were found in locality C. The highest abundance of taxa was found in the genera Centropyxis and Difflugia. Eleven taxa were recorded for the first time not only in Norway but in the whole subarctic area of northern Europe.