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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3460

Vladimir Sladecek; [K Poznani biosestonu udolni nadrze vrane nad viltavou] (To the knowledge of the bioseston of the reservoir Vrane on the river Vltava). Zvlastni otisk z Casopisu Narodniho muzea oddil prirodovedny (Casopis Narodniho musea,odd.prir.) 131(2):76-80, 1962


In File


On the main Bohemian river Vltava (Moldau) a series of artificial reservoirs is constructed or planned. The oldest of these is Vrane and Vltavou, lying 17 km southwards from Prague. The dam was built in 1930-1936. In the course of the year 1949 four collections of samples of the bioseston were made and the results of microscopical analyses were given in the Czech text. The zooplankton was found very poor, consisting of a relatively high number of littoral water animals. In total 4 species for potozoans, 17 of rotifers, 9 cladocerans, 1 of copepods as well as 10 of algae were identified into species. The rotifer Synchaeta kitina Rousselet was firstly recorded from Czechoslovakia. The rotifer Encentrum moldavicum was described as new for science in another paper (Sladecek, 1961). The rotifers Notholca labis Gosse and Brachionus angularis bidens Plate were figured to show their local variability. The phytonanoplankton reached October 5th, 1949 about 1000 individuals per mililitre without a distinct vertical stratification. The depth at the point of sampling was only 5.5 m so that the whole water column was to be regarded as epilimnion. The organisms found indicated beta-mesosaprobical life conditions of the water environment.