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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3420

Maeda Masachika and Philip G. Carey; An illustrated Guide to the species of the Family Strombidiidae (Oligotrichida, Ciliophora), free swimming protozoa common in the aquatic environment. Bulletin of the Ocean Research Institute University of Tokyo 19:1-68, 1985


In File


Ciliated protozoa of the Suborder Oligotrichina are abundant and are considered significant organisms in the microbial food chain in aquatic environment. The taxonomy of these non-loricate forms has been neglected despite the presence of several large genera. An extensive revision has been undertaken of the Family Strombidiidae, one of three families in this suborder. All 134 original descriptions of species reported as belonging to this family were examined. Among these, 117 species and their synonyms were considered as true species, including 5 species designated as the new species or new name, and are described in detail with the aid of diagrams.