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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3368

David C. Coleman, C.V. Cole, R.V. Anderson, M. Blaha, M.K. Campion, Marianne Clarholm, E.T. Elliott, H.W. Hunt, B. Schaefer, and J. Sinclair; An Analysis of Rhizosphere-Saprophage Interactions in Terrestrial Ecosystems. Ecol.Bull.(Stockholm) 25:299-309, 1977


In File


To pursue studies of rhizosphere saprophagic interactions, we developed a microcosm of soil microflora-microfauna to test the hypothesis that mineralization of N (as NH4+) and P (as inorganic PO4(3-) would be significantly increased by predation. Soils sterilized with propylene oxide were reinoculated with bacteria (Pseudomonas sp.) alone or in combination with amoebae (Acanthamoeba sp.) and nematodes (Mesodiplogaster sp.) as predators. We observed up to 35% more P mineralization and up to 50% more NH4-N release over a 17- or 24-day period, as compared with soil microcosms inoculated with only bacteria. Implications of these phenomena for soil chemistry and root nutrient uptake are briefly discussed.