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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3244

Otto Jaag and Fritz Nipkow; [Neue und wenig Bekannte parasitische Pilze auf Planktonorganismen schweizerischer Gewasser I] (New and little known Chytridiales parasiting plankton organisms in Swiss waters I). Berichte der Schweizerischen Botanischen Gesellschaft 61:478-498, 1951


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Three species of the genus Rhizophidium which parasitise the plankton blue-green alga Oscillatoria rubescens, D.C., common in many Swiss lakes, have been described. Two of these species are considered to be new: 1. Rhizophidium deformans, a parasite which first causes the algal filament to roll up and later destroys it completely. 2. Rhizophidium oscillatoriae-rubescentis which also destroys the cells of the algal filament, but leaves the latter straight. The third Oscillatoria rubescens-parasite is believed to the identical with Rhizophidium subangulosum Braun. This species also causes the death of the host plant. A fourth aquatic fungus has been described as the pararsite of the plankton green alga Sphaerocystis Schroeteri Chod. (syn. Gloeococcus Schroeteri [Chod.] Lemm.). It belongs to the genus Polyphagus and is considered to represent a new species. In view of its largely ramified interbiotic vegetative system we have called it Polyphagus ramosus. Furthermore a fifth parasitic fungus infecting the plankton alga Eudorina elegans has been mentioned. It has been identified with the well-known species Endocoenobium eudorinae Ingold. Detailed descriptions concerning the mode of development and parasitic and pathological behaviour of these fungi have been given and illustrated in photomicrographs (figures 1-45 on plates 11-16). Short Latin diagnosis follow the description of the new species. Finally a complete review is given of aquatic chytrids found in Switzerland as reported by different authors.