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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3226

Petter Larsson; Vertical Distribution of Planktonic Rotifers in a Meromictic Lake: Blankvatn near Oslo, Norway. Norwegian Journal of Zoology (Norw.J.Zool.) 19:47-75, 1971


In File


The vertical distribution of euplanktonic rotifers in a lake with biogenic meromixis is seen in relation to season, day or night sampling, temperature and oxygen tension. The taxonomy of the forms found is also discussed. The rotifers were divided into three groups: Perennial-surface forms, perennial-chemocline forms and summer-surface forms. Vertical distribution varied throughout the year, either as increase or decrease of the space inhabited, or with shifting of the layer with greatest density. Diurnal migration was found to be restricted to one species and one season. The temperature seemed to be a limiting factor in total distribution only in minor degree, but it might influence the maxima. The chemocline forms seemed to tolerate lower oxygen tensions than the surface forms.