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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3130

Gunter Tzschaschel; [Marine Rotatoria aus dem Interstitial der Nordseeinsel Sylt] (Marine Rotifers from the Interstitial of the North Sea Island of Sylt). Mikrofauna Meeresboden 71:1-64, 1979


In File


1. Twenty-one species from 4 families of the order Ploimida (Monogononta) are described. 13 species are new to science. The genus Proales (Lecanidae) is enriched by the species Proales germanica, P. oculata and P. syltensis. In the genus Colurella (Brachionidae) an attempt is made to use the structure of the trophi of determination of the species Colurella colurus and C. dicentra. Lepadella psammophila belonging to the family Brachionidae is described. The the genus Encentrum, to which belong more than 60% of all species found at Syltian beaches, the species E. ambiguum, E. axi, E. eulitorale, E. kostei, E. listense, E. longirostrum, E. obesum, E. permutandum and E. sacculiforme are added. 2. In the genus Encentrum 3 new groups of species are established and their relationships to each other are discussed. Encentrum arenarium - Group: It is defined by tubular toes, and a short foot which is clearly separated from the body. Her sister group is the Encentrum velox - group: The long foot of which is to be seen as an apomorph character in contrast to the E. arenarium - group. Encentrum grande - group: It is marked by the following combination of characters: a long foot, that is not clearly separated from the body; conical toes. The relationships of the species of the E. marinum - group and E. plicatum - groups are discussed. 3. Dorso-ventral flattening, existance of tubular toes, complicated joints of the toes and enlargement or doubling of the foot glands are considered to be adaptations to life in the mesopsammal environment.