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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3124

Sievert Lorenzen; [Diagnosen einiger freilebender Nematoden von der schleswig=holsteinischen Westkuste] (Diagnoses of some freeliving nematodes from the western coast of Schleswig-Hostein). Veroff.Inst.Meeresforsch.Bremerh. X(2):31-48, 1966


In File


Nine species of freeliving nematodes are described from salt-marshes of the western coast of Schleswig-Holstein (Germany): Leptolaimus acicula sp. n., Leptolaimus elegans Schuurmans Stekhoven & de Coninck 1933, Leptolaimus thermastris sp. n., Antomicron pratense sp. n., Metalinhomoeus musaecauda sp. n., Doliolaimus agilis gen. n., sp. n., Diplolaimella stagnosa sp. n., Dichromadora scandula sp. n., Amphidelus puccinelliae sp. n. One new genus belonging to the Sphaerolaimidae is established, eight species are new to science, from Leptolaimus elegans the male is described. The soil namatode Amphidelus puccinelliae is the first member of the genus Amphidelus recorded from a marine milieu.