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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3119

Eike Hartwig; [Die Ciliaten des Gezeiten-Sand-strandes der Nordseeinsel Sylt I. Systematik] (The ciliates of the tidal beach on the island Sylt (North Sea) I. Systematic). Mikrofauna Meeresboden 18:387-453, 1973


In File


In course of researches for composition and zonation of the interstitial ciliates in different beaches of the islands of Sylt, Heligoland (Germany) and Jordsand (Denmark) 84 species of 22 families were pointed out. At the east side of island of Sylt (beach in front of the Litoralstation List) 71 species occur. 4 species are new to science (Condylostoma fjeldi, Diophrys multinucleata, Loxophyllum trichocystum, Remanella unirugosa). For the first time 78 species were found in the range of the German North Sea Coast.